Ispire Daab Flat Carb Cap
This is the New and Upgraded Ispire Daab Flat Carb Cap. You can find the Original Ball Carb Cap here: https://vapestur.com/products/ispire-daab-carb-cap
Find the Ispire Daab New 2-in-1 Concentrate/Reclaim Cup here (This has replaced the old reclaim cup and concentrate inner cups): https://vapestur.com/products/ispire-daab-reclaim-cup-replacement
And the Water Chamber & Carrier Cup: https://vapestur.com/products/ispire-daab-water-chamber
Improved airflow with the newly implemented flat top design along with a carrier cap seal!
Simple but effective, the Ispire Daab Carb Cap boosts vapor production and provides a clean tasty rip.
This premium carb cap is built with borosilicate glass for purity and durability you’ll appreciate!