Huni Badger - 710SciGlass Bullet Fab Glass Bubbler
A fusion between the original Badger Bullet mixed with the Fabergé egg. The updated Badger Fab by 710SciGlass is a borosilicate glass bubbler attachment that features a compact straight fab design. Maximize your vapor experience through each inhale by diffusing the water into a free-floating cylinder as you breathe in, bursting bubbles right before the mouthpiece for pure flavor and cooling. The spill-proof design of the Badger Fab makes for the perfect on-the-go bubbler that balances performance and portability. Compatible with the Huni Pouch XL for added safety and mobility.
Each bubbler was glass-blown and handmade in the USA.
- Fill the Bullet Fab with 1/5 to 1/4 of water
- Wipe down the Bullet Fab, dry glass connection section with paper towel
- Equip Huni Badger with the 14mm mouthpiece (included with Huni Badger Kit) by screwing it on
- Make sure O-rings are in place on the 14mm mouthpiece
- Now attach the Bullet Fab to the Huni Badger by simply slipping it over the 14mm mouthpiece
- Test and confirm the O-rings had secured the Bullet Fab to the Huni Badger
- Turn on the Huni Badger and enjoy!